Author: Angus Frazer

We’ve been fortunate to work with some of the most dynamic people and businesses in the world. We’ve unlocked over $4 billion in owned media value for retailers such as Coles, Telstra, Myer, KFC and Stockland. And they have all told us the same thing… Owned...

Chess masters don’t focus on the pieces on the board, they look at the empty space for potential moves. Professional footballers don’t look at the player with the ball, they look at the other players moving into position. Amateurs focus ONLY on the pieces, on...

In a world where everything communicates, the premise of brand fidelity is a competitive advantage. Brand fidelity refers to the faithful reproduction of a brands identity in every aspect of the communications ecosystem. It is achieved when you are being mindful of your intent with...

Much like Jane Austen’s novel back in the 19th Century, we have a Sense and Sensibility predicament in media right now. With the likes of Google and Apple recently making their phone screens less addictive, marketers will have to drop the romantic notion that they can...

In case you missed it, GDPR is now enforceable as of last Friday. You probably knew it was coming, because your inbox may have experienced an explosion of “We’re Changing our Privacy Policy” emails. Whilst GDPR will affect different business in different ways, all businesses...

In the 1975 classic Jaw’s, there is a scene where Roy Scheider’s character, Brody, has just witnessed the Apex Predator up close. Stunned, he say’s to Quint, “You’re gonna need a bigger boat”. Remarkably, the line was unscripted in the film, but it stuck nonetheless. It’s...