Author: Angus Frazer

It’s that time of year again – Christmas. It rolls around quickly. Evocative brand advertising, aggressive retail advertising, crowd's, anticipation and tradition. It’s an intoxicating mix for both consumers and retailers alike.   Most B2C companies rely on people's Christmas gifting generosity to meet annual sales...

Whilst it’s easy to occasionally poke fun at the self-help industry, it is now worth upwards of $12bn in the US alone. People who buy into the category are often repeat purchasers, buying multiple products and services – sometimes referred to as therapy-junkies. It’s a burgeoning...

In the paid/owned/earned media triumvirate, there is a wealth of insight and intelligence regarding paid and earned media, but very little on owned. As the world’s leading owned media specialist, Sonder is gathering insights and intel on the state of the owned media landscape. In...

With the exception of Don Draper, what TV character would be the best marketer in the real world? It certainly wouldn’t be Jon Snow after he nearly ruined the brand partnership between the Lannister’s and Targaryen’s. Of course, Daenerys is a strong contender, she’s got...

An icon? A piece of critical infrastructure? An engineering marvel? A rush hour headache? All of these answers are right, but there’s one more that sums up the shift towards inside-out marketing and an owned-media first approach to communications.  You see, the bridge was built 88...

You’re not alone… Another financial year, another hike in growth targets. Most shareholder owned businesses are under the hammer when it comes to hitting revenue growth targets.  And even when you do, the goal posts move.  The targets go up again and you’re left scratching...