Author: Angus Frazer

Myer is a purpose led brand, everything they do is considered in light of their purpose. From the little one percenters to the larger, more overt initiatives. One of these larger initiatives is their commitment to the Wonderland space at their flagship Sydney City store....

Let’s talk about Dove, because a lot of other people in the UK are right now. And not in a particularly good way. What’s driving all the chatter? Packaging. Or more specifically, the way Dove have made a range of packaging in the shape of...

The ‘Save’ icon in most applications is universally an image of a 3.5” floppy disk. A technology that hasn’t been used in decades. There are now generations of computer users who would never have seen a 3.5” disk, let alone saved something to one. What...

‘Own it’…  It’s a great mantra for businesses and individuals alike who are looking to take responsibility for their destiny.  To own it is to back yourself and recognise that you’ll do a better job of mission-critical functions.  It’s also what’s behind one of the...

Here at Sonder we talk about businesses communicating from the inside-out by starting with their owned assets first. It’s a way for businesses to communicate with more authenticity, effectiveness and clarity. Now, if you think of inside-out communications as a fractal, whereby the same principles...