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According to recent research conducted by the Harvard Business Revenue, 80% of CEOs don’t trust or are unimpressed with their CMOs. If that wasn’t shocking enough, it appears as though the frustrations are mutual, with 74% of CMOs stating they believe their jobs do not...

We’ve all heard the line about employees being the company’s most important asset.  But are they really?  Is an employee more valuable than a customer? When it comes to owned media, customers are far more valuable than employees, mainly through the future potential of the...

A recent global survey of 35 multi-billion-dollar advertisers found that 65% of them have improved their internal media capabilities over the last 12 months. Improvements such as hiring programmatic experts & building ad inventory trading desks, investing in resource & systems to tackle ad fraud,...

A recent study by Northwestern University has some stunning findings. Their research focused on how owned and paid media pertain to growing and declining brands. They segmented brands by their sales growth success across a 5 year period, which revealed remarkable (and consistent) differences in...

Joseph Pilates originally called his work "Contrology" before the world decided to name the exercises after their founder. As businesspeople, we like to control as much as we can and the six principles of Contrology can be applied to achieve greater success: Concentration: If you...

With the exception of Don Draper, what TV character would be the best marketer in the real world? It certainly wouldn’t be Jon Snow after he nearly ruined the brand partnership between the Lannister’s and Targaryen’s. Of course, Daenerys is a strong contender, she’s got...

“Marketing does not typically earn revenue, it is usually a cost centre. But marketing has some fantastic assets, which you can use for your brand, but if there is a way you can monetise those assets for the benefit of the business, why wouldn’t you?” These...

What a ridiculous headline – to “own empathy” goes against the very essence of empathy. But this headline was purposeful.  You see, I was being empathetic to you, because marketers like to “own” things, so the headline makes it easier for you to click and...

You know time’s are a’changing when…media owners start loyalty programmes in a bid to retain their audiences. That is exactly what Sky TV have recently done in the UK. With the proliferation of content comes the proliferation of audiences and in a first for the...

Harrods is a unique brand – the epitome of luxury retailing, its global fame eclipses the fact that it’s one store in London. Just one. There are few shopping experiences that come close to that of Harrods.  The sanctity they place on their customers is...