Innovative Marketer Wylie Fowler shared with Sonder his view of the importance of owned media

Innovative Marketer Wylie Fowler shared with Sonder his view of the importance of owned media

At Coca-Cola it was constantly reinforced that the pack, the bottle, is the primary symbol of the brand. It’s the thing that lands in the hands of drinkers. It’s the deliverer of the most powerful consumer engagement, the primary touch point. Both revered and valued. 

Today, a brand has not only its packaging but an ever increasing array of physical and digital owned assets that could be considered as the primary touch point of a variety of consumer journeys – each as important as the other. 

As we look to an ever-fragmenting media landscape to drive our marketing messages, we seem to be overlooking those media and connection assets we create and use for ourselves day to day. Assets we own, but don’t value. 

Our ‘bottles’ are no longer revered. 

As we start to understand the potential for each owned channel to communicate, to tell a story, provide utility, delight or entertain, we start to unlock a hidden value we so often overlook. We start to use them to more powerfully drive our brand building efforts, we start to give them a value and we start to include them in our plans. 

We might even be prepared to share some of them with like-minded partners, opening up the potential to use these assets in a value exchange or a revenue stream.

To do this we need to be both smart and brave.

Click here to read how you can use Inside-out thinking to better connect with your customers through your owned media assets.

Wylie Fowler is GM of Sports Marketing Agency Octagon