Own it

Own it

‘Own it’…  It’s a great mantra for businesses and individuals alike who are looking to take responsibility for their destiny.  To own it is to back yourself and recognise that you’ll do a better job of mission-critical functions.  It’s also what’s behind one of the biggest structural shifts in the marketing landscape.

You see globally, Marketing departments are expanding their remit.  A recent study by the ISBA in the UK highlighted the trend of in-housing (click here for more) beyond tactical retail execution. Content creation, research and media buying are increasingly being considered for in-house or on-site solutions.

Take media buying… I had lunch with a well known Out-of-Home industry veteran last week and he mentioned that 20 years ago, most major Australian businesses did their own media deals directly through in-house media departments.  Since then, media buying has been largely outsourced, some say because it was the most boring part of the marketing function.  It wasn’t sexy, it was heavy on administration and low on the priority list, plus more attractive deals could be accessed by consolidating with an agency.

Well, all that’s changing. Media is becoming increasingly sophisticated, smarter, easier and, dare I say, sexier. Not to mention the growing importance of owned media to deliver greater value.

Whatever the function, whether you choose to in-house, on-site, out-source, or some other derivative of the 3, do it consciously, for the right reasons and not just because it’s the-way-it’s-always-been-done.  And most importantly – own it, if not literally, then figuratively.